Deaths within gas chambers are extremely slow and painful, as the
commonly used hydrogen cyanide gas takes its time to suffocate its victim,
leaving them gasping for breath, choking on their own vomit or, in some cases,
slamming their heads against the chamber walls to put themselves out of their
misery. If not killed, Holocaust victims slipped into comas and were
subsequently buried alive in mass graves.
Nowadays, of course, we look at such mass cruelty as a regrettable thing
of the past; a practice that is thankfully no longer in use. However, that is
not the case. Of the 35 states that allow capital punishment, five of
them—Arizona, California, Maryland, Missouri and Wyoming –currently still
endorse gas chambers, though their use is rare compared to other means of
Humanity seems to have gotten the idea that execution by gas chamber is
no way to treat our follow human beings. But somehow, apparently it is still a
fairly common means of executing shelter animals.
An estimated 6 to 8 million dogs and cats are cared for in U.S. shelters
every year, roughly half of which are euthanized. In more than 20 U.S. states,
gas chambers are still in use. The American Veterinary Medical Association
(AVMA) even lists it as an acceptable means of euthanasia.
Think about that for a moment. A method of execution deemed too cruel and
unusual for our worst criminals—serial killers, rapists, pedophiles—is deemed
acceptable for use on dogs and cats, simply because no one wants to adopt them.
How, by any stretch of the imagination, could this be considered justice?
While cyanide is the most used toxic gas, some shelters use chloroform
for animals under 8 weeks of age. Some shelters in Arizona use T-61, a drug
that immobilizes and suffocates an animal without causing unconsciousness,
resulting in an even slower and more painful death. One shelter in Louisiana
employs the use of acrid exhaust gas; its hot fumes burn the animals’ skin and
eyes as they suffocate to death.
At least in the case of human prisoners, they know what to expect as they
step into the gas chamber. Animals do not. They are placed in a hot box of
sorts, hear the hiss of gas, become dizzy and start to panic, clawing at the
chamber’s walls, calling for help that doesn’t come. Generally the process of
gassing an animal takes about an excruciating half hour; most of this time,
they are alert and conscious that something is terribly wrong, though they
don’t know how or what. Needless to say there is nothing at all humane about this
Not only is the use of gas chambers inhumane in itself; abuse of gas
chambers is common as well. While most shelters require one animal per chamber
and close observation of the process, some employees have been reported shoving
many animals in the chamber at once and then walking away. Some don’t even
bother cleaning the chamber out; they put live animals in with the dead ones
who were executed previously.
These horrible chambers have proven dangerous to employees as well. When
improperly maintained or mishandled, the toxic substances can cause illness and
even death to those in close proximity. There have been numerous cases of
shelter workers dying while operating gas chambers.
Thankfully, state legislations have been taking action to end this
barbaric practice, as the No Kill Movement gains momentum throughout the U.S. Within
the past couple years, 19 states have passed laws that either ban or restrict
the use of gas chambers.
In 2003, in a shelter in St. Louis, Missouri, a Basenji mix named Quentin
was, miraculously, the sole survivor of seven dogs placed in the gas chamber at
once; the first survivor in the shelter’s 64-year history. A shelter employee, moved
by Quentin’s will to live, called the Stray Rescue Organization, which gladly
took him in. Randy Grim, founder of Stray Rescue, would later write the book
Miracle Dog: How Quentin Survived the Gas Chamber to Speak for Animals on Death Row. Due to Grim’s lobbying efforts, the St. Louis shelter eventually shut down
its gas chamber.
In June of 2010, Grace’s Law was passed in Georgia after a shelter dog
survived an agonizing 30-minute gassing session. The dog, aptly named Grace,
was subsequently adopted, as is now used as a mascot for the No Kill Movement.
Judging from these cases, what we need to do is spread awareness of this
outrageously cruel practice and funding for organizations lobbying against it.
I am certain that if more U.S. citizens were aware that this archaic form of
torture is still in use, the momentum against it would skyrocket and lead to
more human laws and practices when it comes to animal welfare.
If you’re anything like me, the thought of gas chambers being used on
friendly, healthy and otherwise adoptable animals makes you physically ill. For
ways on how to help, I suggest you visit the following sites to find ways on
how you can put an end to this unimaginable cruelty.
That does make me ill to know. I swear, what is this world coming too! I fully support banning the use of gas chambers on these poor defenseless animals. It breaks my heart!